Friday, June 7, 2013

After Meditation

Was just not right in content or subject!! Not what the Muse would have posted.

Meditation is one thing that can be counted on to rejuvenate--mind and body.  So that is exactly what I did--Meditate!!

Now seeing the situation in a better slant, quite possibly things are not as they seem with these negative ones. And the negativity they put forth is just a reflection of their own insecurities: of their unhappy life and their unhappy selves.  And people like this you have to make allowances for.  They are WHO they ARE and part of the universe that surrounds us all. Accept them for who and what they are, life will be simpler then.

The Muse 

Anni Rose )O(

Rude Behavior

This is my first blog here at Blogger. So here goes.

I belong to another site that is for weight loss.  

On Memorial Day I posted at one of the groups suggesting the members and everyone not a member to "Thank a Veteran for their Service."  Veterans need to hear this.  

Immediately one of the other group members posted a nasty, smarty clown, crack wise comment.  Not sure what her problem is, other than the fact she's using the site to vent all her negativity on the site, the  members and otherwise make an arse of herself.  Claiming to be a pagan, and for family reasons she's in the closet, that's very understandable, but to leave negative comments on others posts when the poster is sharing their knowledge of the craft, or asking questions about the craft, just leads me to believe she's not what she says she is.  

Well just wanted to share this blog.